Vernon Naturopath Chris Spooner

vernon naturopath chris spooner[nivoslider id=”639″]

Dr. Chris Spooner, Naturopathic Doctor, Vernon BC , Cancer Care, Prolotherapy, Platelet Rich Plasma, Bio Identical Hormones, Lyme Literate, Vernon Naturopath Chris Spooner

Vernon Naturopath Chris Spooner Dr. Spooner  works with a wide range of patients who are looking for a balanced approach that combines conventional medicine with naturopathic approaches. Many of his patients are dealing with complicated health issues.  He sees conditions such as hormone imbalances, menopause and andropause, arthritis, longstanding joint injuries, cancer, and chronic illnesses such as Lyme’s and autoimmune diseases.

In addition to standard naturopathic approaches, Vernon Naturopath Chris Spooner Dr. Spooner has advanced certifications so he can use bio-identical hormone therapies, intravenous and injection therapies, chelation therapy, prolotherapy and platelet rich plasma injections for injured joints, and conventional prescription medications.

When beginning health treatment or consulting services with ONM, here is a general summary of what our patients can expect regarding our approach to natural medicine treatment.

Okanagan Natural Medicine: Our Approach, First Visit

1. The First Visit

The initial interview Vernon Naturopath Chris Spooner is a 60-minute consultation with the doctor to discuss your medical history and health concerns. After a thorough case history and interview we will discuss the specifics of your program, including required diagnostic tests and questionnaires.

Okanagan Natural Medicine: Our Approach, Second Visit

2. Assessment and Evaluation

During the second visit Vernon Naturopath Chris Spooner will discuss how the initial treatment plan is progressing and review any tests or homework that was assigned in the initial visit. During this visit we may discuss some of the specialized testing/therapies that are offered at Okanagan Natural Medicine. Here is an example of some areas you will be evaluated in order to create your personalized program:

  • Medical Lab testing
  • Comprehensive Hormonal Assessments
  • Systemic Toxic Load Assessment
  • Functional and Physiological Testing

Okanagan Natural Medicine: Our Approach, Your Personal Plan

3. Your Personal Plan

The foundation for your health care program is now being implemented and we continue to support your health goals with education and other therapies. Vernon Naturopath Chris Spoonerwill also assist you in prioritizing options since our program never relies on an all-or-nothing approach.